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Experience the Jostens REGALIA difference

Jostens fine-quality regalia packages are tailored to ensure the gown reflects the magnitude of the achievement.

Windsor Doctor Gown Package

An investment in the Windsor gown is an investment in the finest quality gown. Crafted to last the span of your career. Ordered as a package with hood and tam. The hood is specific to the school and field of study from your alma mater.

  • Pleated yoke with fluting on the 
shoulders and back
  • Decorative regal braid and button on the back yoke
  • Chevrons and floating panels available in black, royal, or degree color velvet
  • Satin-lined sleeves with french cuts


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Sussex Doctor Gown Package

Our most popular gown designed for comfort and quality. Ordered as a package with hood and tam. The hood is specific to the school and field of study from your alma mater.

  • Classic yoke with fluting on the shoulders and back
  • Decorative cord and button on the 
back yoke
  • Chevrons and floating panels available in black, royal, or light blue velvet
  • Satin-lined bell sleeves


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Bristol Doctor Gown Package

Our entry-level doctor gown will provide comfort and style. Ordered as a package with hood and tam. The hood is specific to the school and field of study from your alma mater.

  • Classic yoke with fluting on the shoulders and back
  • Chevrons and panels available in black velvet
  • Cuff with Velcro adjustment


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Master Gown Package

Accept your degree with a look of distinction. Ordered as a package with hood and cap. The hood is specific to the school and field of study from your alma mater.

  • Classic yoke with fluting on the shoulders and back
  • Classic front panel with center zipper
  • Decorative cord and button on the back yoke


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