Never stop learning!
Keep your head up.
Don't judge your life and your accomplishments bade on your peers.
Stay in touch with friends from college.
Stay focused and keep your eye on the prize.
This is the jump off point for the rest of your life and career adventures. Good luck and happy travels.
Education is the first step, not the last.
It won't make your future easy, but it will enhance the work you plan to continue to do.
Life is about experiences.
Experience as much as you can while you are young and able. Those memories will get you through the more complex issues that life will bring later.
Wearing a class ring reminds me of all the hard work...
that went into my studies and the dedication I made in receiving my Master's Degree. I wear it proudly!!! If you have any way to buy a class ring, for your program of study, do it! You should be proud of yourself and no one of nothing should tarnish your accomplishments.