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Keeping the commitment strong

What goals can you create for the rest of this school year?

Creating a set of New Year’s resolutions seems to be a right of passage at the beginning of each new year. The challenge, as many studies confirm, is keeping the commitment strong throughout the spring. As yearbookers, we have a unique opportunity to create goals that are truly achievable, since these resolutions can affect the success of our current publication season.



How can you improve your photography? Do you notice a certain technique that all of your photos follow. Think about (simple) ways to improve the techniques, style and the process that surround your photos.


Think about the way that you are leading the team. Consider how you provide feedback to their work. Are there ways that you can improve? Are they working as a team? Consider team building activities you can lead your staff through. Take a look at the article Creating Your Best Team for some ideas.


It’s never too late (or too early) to think about design, especially for the book that comes after this one. What have you learned from your current publication that you would like to change, keep or think through for next year?


I find myself always making this goal for myself. We become better writers by writing more. Look at examples in newspapers and magazines. Also look at captions and stories you’ve already written and think about ways you could improve them. A wise teacher once taught me that “there is never a final draft.”


We can never overthink coverage. Take a look at your coverage report and find students who do not appear much within your book, especially those under 3x coverage. How might you improve their coverage in your book? What extended coverage might you be able to implement this spring?


Change, above all, comes from within. How can we change our attitude, perspective or overall effort on staff? Reciting to yourself that “today, I am going to capture the best of our school’s memories” can make all the difference.

Written by:
Jason Kaiser
Associate Marketing Manager, Jostens
Jason works with various print, digital and social initiatives bringing content to life through Yearbook Love, the Digital Classroom and more. A former yearbook adviser, Jason has worked with scholastic journalism for more than eight years.