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As a Parent of a Graduating Senior

This back to school season is certainly not your first, and is likely (one of?) your last.

Most certainly for your senior, it's a season and upcoming year soon to be filled with memorable "lasts."

And as we do when faced with other "lasts" in life, this year you and your senior may dwell on the finality of things that have defined them throughout their school career. Things like:
. . . their last touchdown pass.
. . . their last band concert.
. . . their last student council retreat.

But while some of your senior's defining activities may be retired in the halls of their high school, many of them can be redefined in their next stage of life.

The thrill of victory can be pursued through intramural sports and community league teams. Your first-chair trumpet player can keep the music playing in too-loud college bands or reflective songwriting. And leadership opportunities abound in LAHS (Life After High School), outside of organizational structures and faculty advisers.

And for all of our seniors — regardless of interests or activities — their "last first day" of high school represents a lifetime of more "first days" ahead.

So yes, this is a year of endings and "last times" — but it can also be a year of beginnings and "next times.” Opportunities to take the kindles of high school activities and fan them into flames of lifelong interest.

Helping your senior celebrate the ending of things that should, and the continuation of things that can, makes all of their senior "lasts" matter even more.