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Graduation is Right Around the Corner

When graduation rolls around, one of the happy tasks laid before you is sharing the news with family and friends. You could do so through social media. But your kid graduating high school isn’t a status update — it's a once-in-a-lifetime event. It deserves so much more.

Announce this moment with the beauty and tradition of an official school announcement. This is the one purchase you'll make that truly gives your Senior, and their high school graduation, the honor and importance it deserves.

Plus, sending out their graduation announcement to you family and friends is something the two of you can sit down and do together. This seemingly mundane task will become a shared memory, as you team up for this highly sentimental activity.

Another nice bonus: in a digital world, there is something so meaningful about a mailed announcement. And the happy news about your Senior's graduation is sure to brighten the day of everyone you send it to.

Usually graduation announcements are sent 6 weeks prior to an event. Now, you might be wondering who you should send a graduation announcement to. Usually they are mailed to:

  • Immediate family, that are not living in your house of course
  • Extended family, like grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.
  • Close family friends
  • Important teachers, coaches, mentors in your Senior's lives

An option to think about is including a next step photo card with your graduation announcement. A next step photo card can include what your Senior's plans are after high school, whether that is college, the military or a new job. It's also a place to share grad party details with family and friends. All the important details for your Senior in one mailing.

It's all about simplicity, right?

Go to to see your Senior's Official School Announcement and the 100's of Next Step Photo Card options available.